How to send us your PensionsInfo data
You can find your current pension information on the PensionsInfo website and forward it to us. This helps us prepare for our meeting and give you better advice on your pension.
If you have Vestjysk Bank’s Online Banking solution
How to find your pension overview and send it to us:
- Log on to Online Banking (when you click here, a pop-up window opens, so that you can continue to follow the guide)
- Click ‘Pension’ in the menu on the left.
- Click ‘PensionsInfo’ at the top of the screen.
- Click the link ‘Log in to PensionsInfo’.
- Click ‘OK’ when you have read ‘Vigtigt om PensionsInfo’ (Important information on PensionsInfo). You will be directed to the PensionsInfo homepage, and your data will be loaded automatically. Click ‘Fortsæt’ (Continue) when all your information has been retrieved. (If data from a pension provider is marked with a red x, try again later).
- Enter your telephone number and e-mail address and click ‘Send oplysninger for mig’ (Send my information).
When the information has been transferred to the bank, you will get a receipt.
If you don’t have Vestjysk Bank’s Online Banking solution
How to find your pension overview and send it to us if you don’t have Vestjysk Bank’s Online Banking solution
- Go to the website pensionsinfo.dk
- Log on with MitID
- Click ‘OK’ when you have read ‘Vigtigt om PensionsInfo (Important information on PensionsInfo)’. You will be directed to the PensionsInfo homepage, and your data will be loaded automatically. Click ‘Fortsæt’ (Continue) when all your information has been retrieved (if data from a pension provider is marked with a red x, try again later). Wait until the message ‘Indsamling er færdig’ (Data retrieval complete) appears.
- Click ‘Fortsæt’ (Continue)
- Click ‘Hent din rapport’ (Retrieve your report) at the bottom of the page
- Click ‘Hent din rapport’ (Retrieve your report)
You will now receive a pdf file, ‘Rapport PDF’, which you can save on your computer and upload to Vestjysk Bank via the link that your adviser has sent you.